yeayy! exactly 10 more mins to leave school....go home and slp, watch tv!no work for the lab is soooo quiet, but actualli we are SLACKING!nuraini in fb, watching video all, the other monkeyy beside her is watching surya songS!!!i'm jealous, coz my youtube is damn freaking slowwww...pity sam has been in lab the whole week doing her drink..and ry also started..alright...gonna leave soon....
Took a photo, as kavi said it has been a long time since we took.
SJ & FS wondering wht it stands for?St John's and Food Science?NAH
the hot babes..Siti, Jpsz, Fala, Sumi.We gals went to bowl at yishun safra.Meeting time at 3pm.But ended up till 3.45..Found our way thr, before entering, took a photo.And it never ended as usual. Initially only paid for one game.but it ended off within 1 hr ah.soo and siti tot jpsz hw to play n finally she cld at least gain some points.siti: we can be instructors.!haha
1st game scores:
hehe, i was leading...wanted to play another round.i wont forget sumi, dropped the ball and it went back.HAHAH!!!second game all were improving, except sumi got too tired i think.Jpsz was hungry, so she went to buy WEDGES.She was lagging behind, so decided to play for her n boost up her scores.So after she came back, she played a round under my name.She didnt realize she was playing for me, and the ball was keep going off the LANE!my points going dwn n dwn.
2nd game:
u see from 20 points onwards, jpsz points increased!!!!But finally i won too..hehe=)
After that went to toilet.When thr is a big mirror, camera automatically is out from bag!HAAH!nearly spent abt 1/2 hr in the toilet taking upload in fb..and thr's a unglam photo of plzzzz dont mind.i've taken the wrong medicine when i go out of my hse.LOL!
Left safra, went for dinner at kfc.Siti went home,she felt like shitting...........but didnt.
Home sweet Home!
Enjoyed my day with u girls, will miss you all and the others.
Back to school on monday, others is attachment.
Finally, i donno wht wrong i did.I cant get close to anyone..if i get my frendship breaks.whteva it is i'm not at wrong from wht i noe..hope everything goes well..
See you people..=)Good night

I was blogging n i finished but the interent closed!so here is a short one.Exams are finally over.But not happy as results are expected to be like shit!I wonder how many subjects i am gonna fail..argh.Though exams are over, i keep memorising the things again..there's no peaceful slp.FYP i'm doing alone, seriously i donno hw i am gonna manage it..I dont have the brains to come out with such good n creative ideas.GOD HELP!
1 week holz, have to enjoy.
After exams, went to watch my name is khan with nuraini, ry, and jessie.GOOOOOOD movie, soo touching and sad!ry n jessie enjoyed it too...we shall go for more movies ok yeah..hehe..After movie ended, me n jessie went to THIS FASHION juz to take a look.But in the end, bought 2 clothes..REGRETS.but nvm once in a while..
Home Sweet Home
Went to watch movie at yishun with kavi and sumi.Reach over the skies.Purely LOVE story and i felt like falling in love after watching..haha..We 3 had a gooooood time 2gether. This kavi is sooo funi n cute.There were quite a number of people who brought along small kids.And kavi asked ' y must they bring small kids along????HAHAH!!!Another thing, after movie started, some ladies were toking, and kavi said shhhhhhh(loudly).There was silence..Sumi n me cant control our laughter..LOL..kavi kavi y u like tt??haha...and thanks sumi for saving our face.Becuz we didnt noe hw to see the seat number.Kavi we should learn.We are singaporeans.haha!!Later, went for dinner.And , There was these grp indian students toking among themseleves.Me, sumi, kavi had a moment of silence without knowing wht we were up toBut guess wht, we were ear dropping wht those people were toking abt.We started lauging again..haha..coz they were toking abt some tamil moviess.Actualli, wanted to make frends n join in the convo.but tooo bad they left!
Left arnd 8pm, headed home.
I am Fala, i'm not a TERRORIST!=)
Sumi, the smiley=)

Fala & Kavi

I feel like vomitting=(