Friday, January 29, 2010 9:47 AM
I'm really exhausted.Thurs & Fri missed the 1st lesson of school.Tts bad.=( Today went to sch only for tut.Stayed back to do project.Completed.But juz now had a smth like a BOMB saying need to include certain stuff.Telling last minute to students abt this..Its stressful.The weekend is here..I'm gonna spend some times relaxing since most of of ppt is completed.!thank god.School stuff aside for now.
Its FRIDAY!!! After project stayed slacked at school with kavi,sumi,and jessie.Later rf joined us with wc and her frend, but left after a while..Meanwhile, we were updating class blog.Do take a look at the blog.FS0802 people are spamming and blog hopping.New name created is MszyHotie..I guess its kavi if not jessie.!Well, after that had some fun time.Taking photos as usual.60+ photos were taken..crazy crazy....and sumi is realli cute..you shall see her expressions in the photos below..She camwhore much much more now then last time.!!!!INFLUENCE is the only word.hehe..Left at arnd 6.15,went mac to buy burger.Headed home!
Lastly, i dont mean to hurt anyone.If i dont like some one, i wld juz ignore a person esp guys.So yeah.
To Jessie:Thanks for giving the cute and lovely pen..=)i like it.=)
Some photos taken during the semester..Enjoy looking at them.
Here we go:
Look OUT for sumitha's EXPRESSIONS!!=)
From bottom[ right onwards.
Acting like grandma's:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 8:07 AM
One monkey always call me passerby.if she calls me again i'll tickle her.dont forget ah girl.and i'm realli like a passerby..HAHAHA!! i dont wanna tok abt my sch..but my FB STATUS!hahahaIts sooo funii.when a frend who has left secondary sch n never tok or call for 4 years.but once she see my fb status she call..wth sia...juz to ask i attached and with who?LOL!!!!funi funi...and some one say ah' i'm tempted to change my status also'but wht if some one likes me?hmmmm!!tis person is sooo damn think skin la..and act like a gd girl and say i dont wanna hurt the person who likes me..'cough coughs'LOL!!!she's gonna kill me!OKOK!!and today a popular TV dancer from india whom i added in fb chatted with me..OMGG!!!veryy veryy shocked and happy..And some one is jealous la...always wanna snatch people's bf.!hahaha!WHO ELSE??KAVITHA LA!LOLshe soooooo jealous..dont be jealous baby..i'll make u chat with him one day..hehe..after i chat i've no mood to carry on with my work..hiaz..Okok forcing my self..nitez people!
Monday, January 25, 2010 7:22 AM
Nth much to update.Came hm from sch at 5pm & went off to airport.Dad went to india..i feel like going overseas too!hope the trip to bangkok will be finalized.Little girl went too..and i'm missing her!!!argh..nvm 10 days oni.Time passes very fast..Projects, projects, projects.. juz dont wish to tok abt it always in my blog..OFF i go to another topic.hahaSitting in canteen today...and me, jessie,rf, siti saw that person.hiyoo...and my relationship status is gonna be changed becuz of ...........hahah....go comment it people!!LOL..there are so many seats in canteen..y must sit at the table opposite us?i'm not imaging la...i dont like y shld i think in advance.HAHA!!!Will try to come home early as mom will be alone at hm for few days.yeah..Alright i shld go do my work nw nw nw nw ........hiyazzzzzzzzzzzzzz.BYEE!niteZtmr 2pm sch..luckyyyy..slp more.....
Friday, January 22, 2010 6:56 AM
Its FRIDAY!!usually we frends go out on fri, but today we didnt.Nxt wk have to make up for smth yeah
Since its FRi, shld i be happy or not?1 thing is i can slp longer and slp late.2nd thing i've do complete my work within these 2 days.PROJECTS, EXAMS along the wayyy..hmm..some infos for projs juz cant be found..Its sooo irritating u noe.Work is juz piling and piling..as some one said, dont strain urself..i'm trying not to.=)
Ended sch at 12pm.After tt went lib to get some bks, then headed of for auditing. Good experience.But not elaborating further as its confidential.after auditing went to buy present for the little girl again...BARNEY bag.hehe.i'm gonna miss her!.i remember me, thawit, nuraini all were toking abt the cartoons during prac on thurs..TELETABBIES, POKEMON,POWERPUFF GIRLS, POWER RANGERS..haha..we had childhood yea.
Came hm, went on9, took a nap, went to grandpa hse, started work, and nw blogging..
Hope things gets better.It depends on each individual.Difficult to forgive i noe.but remember we have 1 yr more..
Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:37 AM
I'm freaking irritated..coz i cant concentrate on my work.I've been trying to find all the info but i cant.Proj 3 is like one of the bloody projects..I hate it!not becoz of 1 reason, becoz of few reasons..dont wanna say....i wish i wish...
And F**** chatted with me today.i'm happy..I KNOW WHT WLD JESSIE,SUMI,SITI,RF,KAVI WLD THINK!but its not that person ok???hahahaah.
Well, things has gone well.Happy..but for some things are still not solved.coz its weird i guess.So hope everything is find between themselves.
Love it, or hate it!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:03 AM
I look depressed/sad/tensed???i'm hearing this word from quite a number of people.Yeah situtations are such which makes me feel that way.For now40% happiness, 60% sadness in life..soooooo much of problems....i never knew this wld happen..I'm sorry gals for making such a bad day in school today!sorry..........I hope things get better..i dont want to force anyone to have frendships with me... I really really hope we can juz seat at the round table every day n chat n crap like idiots previously..i miss those times..would it come back?i'm stuck in between..y is this happening..did i ever do such a big mistake in my life?is people betray me, and not i betray...i really donno wht to say..i hope we get back..ALL OF US...hoping for the day.
I juz wanna wanna leave NYP as fast as i could..I know i'll miss all the fun i had with u guys..=)i wanna leave sch fasttttt....plzzzzzzzzzzLastly, There is reasons for me to do some things..Nagging at home always asking me to open my bloody mouth and tok...and not at hm i'm noisy , but in school..i cant afford myself to keep my mouth shut during times.. [dont wanna elaborate further]I'm sorry again..And i never meant to break frendships..!I'm not that kind of person.I changed?Answer it.Tears are words that heart cant say.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:17 AM
thanks rf for editing n creating the new blog skin for me=)
Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:13 AM
I noe my blog title is funni...coz i've no idea wht title to put.
Today as usual had lessons till 12.30 oni..tis week has been sooo relax.Next week then is the real start of the school + stress.After lesson i planned to go home, but then i got dragged to mac.Had fries with sumi.Left mac at abt 1.30 or so.Me,jessie,sumi,wc and rf we went to the atrium to roam around like monkeys as usual..Kavi joined us after that...
Arnd 3 wanted to leave school..but wc gave us an idea..Wht we did was to go inside auditorium and act as secondary school students and to fool the students and lecturer.One of the lecturer got fooled!haha!And jessie still can ask are there any pretty guys or girls in the science course?!?wht a question..haha..we saw deborah, sp we left the place.LOL!
Me, sumi,kavi and jessie left.The funi thing today was i quickly moved away when kavi told me 'hey fala ur bf coming, better get away from here!'hahahah!!idiot sia.....KAVI U BETTER STOP IT!hahaha...and me n sumi we laughing n walking in front..oh well, jessie treated us ice-cream..she's ACTING KIND ONLY!haha..anyway thanks for the the TREAT!As usual we got stucked at a place sitting dwn n eating...talking craps, laughing, bullying people, and eye washing the main thing..AHAHA!we sat thr till we saw jr going home..
Really we're the slackers for the week...tmr..
Currently listening songs n chatting with jessie.=)
Monday, January 11, 2010 9:53 AM

See What Ur Stars Say...Jessie sent me this since i was sooo bored n yea she too.!
Most of it is true la, some unsure..Like good kisseR??i dont noeee.hehe
As usual ah, today ended at 12 plus.
Slacked at sch, had lunch and learnt CHI & thought some people TAMIL!
Arnd 2pm wanted to leave sch.
Me & jessie wanted to go some whr.......
Initially was bowling, but cldnt make it.
Then novena n toa payoh.
Wc & Rf suppose to go watch movie.but didnt go.haha.instead followed us.
So, me, kavi,jpsz,sumi,wc,rf,hh went to toa payoh.
& yeah as usual we had hard time making the plan la..after toa payoh station came donno if wan to alight a not..Finally, alighted b4 door closed!
Went shopping round n round,walk n walk..my leg is sooooo pain nwww..
left with me kavi jpsz&sumi
Bought belt oni..shopped till abt 7.00.
Wanted to have dinner at fork & spoon..
Later changed plan..SOOO walk again to KFC!
Tiring u noee.......walk too much..
Kfc of course we were the noisest i think....
tok n tok, laugh n laugh ,eat n eat till abt 845pm
Left hm n reached hm arnd 9.30..TIRED!
well, thr's plans on fri..but not sure yet..we'll see hw!
And yeah forgotten to mention we went to TPY for like volunteer service.
1st:the aunty who cut jessie hair, end up toking abt poly n jc to us..Asking us suggestions.Nearly abt 20 mins toking to her..and she say we are like IT students...LOSE FACE!haha
2nd: saw a old lady n we bought 4 tissue packed from her..we know her coz she appeared in TV telling all abt her problems..I realli pity tis people n i hope i can help in future if only i have $$$$$$$$ tis much!
3rd:smoke was coming out from the bin.
So the caring girls(ahmmm) went to pour water into the bin.
4th:Old lady came to ask us $$.but we refused to give her coz dont noe if she's telling the truth..
OKK i'm done..might not be blogging till the weekend..SO seeya people arnd...Nitez.....

Saturday, January 9, 2010 9:52 AM
Love tis pic...mr subra cant make it..hahaha!Have been out for the WHOLE 2 days man.....soo tiring.Friday went out to help out at the door gifts as they needed help in the last minute.hope i get CCA points..& thanks sumi for calling me!haha..stayed in school till abt 10.30, reached home at 11.30..awesome!hahaha.Next day, SATURDAY, went back to school for my duty at the atrium.2 hrs duty, 1 hr plus do nothing..BORED!finally people came to our booths and me and ry explained abt our course..some qns i didnt noe hw to answer.............Y do we have to learn biostats if we are in FS?I said, i'll bring u to my lecturer & u can find out more..haha...& thank you RY for helping me.
Went to N6 to replace thawit duty...DAMN BORING again...seriously.Sumi came n accompanied me..THANKS2 sumi.!=))late aftn more & more people started coming..though 3 people were in the sensory room couldnt cope...after the students left, me thawit n jie sen took photo...Heard a voice''hello hello..''We 3 said okok wait wait coming...It was mr thomas Teh...'ur potatoes are burning n thr u are taking photo!damn...OMG!i donno hw come it turned to 11 minss..hehehe..got free lunch n dinner for 2 days...overall OH was not bad with my frend..but the SCHOOL is DEAD..a failure tis year...
After tt went to bugis, eat and went arnd...n do i look like a mother who gave birth to one kid??yea 1 girl said that..oh no...and one man said i'm not matured at all!wht he means yea?haha! am i looking young or OLD!??!
Some photos taken the last 2 days...JS thanks 4 the photos!=))
Ry Me!
ry n js were bullying me lor..=(
When happy=Crazy
ACT cute girl & me!
me & sumi are soo bored tt we're transferring each other songssss....
MONDAY back to daily routinee....projs,reports,tuts,lectures...hiazzz....
Thursday, January 7, 2010 8:38 AM
Wondering whts tagmypals.com??haha..i dont have any titles to put..tts y...its not PORN OK?
listen up those monkeys and desperate people!ITS some fb website to tag ur frends...dont believe go n visit..
3 days no sch....only had lyk 1 hr lessons this week.....after lesson slacked in sch of coz.!today went to serangoon to give hp for repair..finallyyyy...when the time comes i'll change a new hp...
Tmr have plans to go out..need to collect hp..but i wanna go sch also to see whts up with the open hse...hmm....hope i can make it yeah...sumi i'll try to make it ok??=)
See below a pic which is so niceeee..becoz i'm in that photo!JESSIE IS TS!haha...send me ur pics in to my hotmail for wat leh..pandi...
I EDIT!niceE???please give comment jessie....
okok..nth to blog...getting some news to my ear is quite surprised and weird..lol!