Wednesday, September 30, 2009 9:40 AM
Yo people...hope everyone's enjoying their holidays yeah..n i've gotten all the photos of the photoshoot..i'll post more of them here..

Boredem kills me!
Monday, September 28, 2009 9:13 AM
Oh was her b'day..HAPPY BIRTHDAY HABIBA!!met up with her at bugis at about 5.30pm and went shopping around bugis.Anddd on the wayyy she lost her ez link card n eyeliner..n she panic la..the eye liner oni $5 i told her oni 5$$ whtt..haha..coz i lost 100+ worth thingssss...still havent make ez link n IC!iyooo...okok then went to swensens to eat..ordered main meals n ice came up to 31 dollars n i paid for it.i treat her la..n bought a belt for her alsoo..took photos yeah..n then came hm arnd 9.30..
andddd i donno y people miss understand us..hiyaz...will meet up on sat to tok abt it...nitex!
Say Money!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:42 AM
Well, today my family, cousins all went to take studio photo..i tell u its was very very fun ah...reached the place arnd 11.00 then people make up for us..and also hair turned out well...but the cd is not with me right photo only ended around 4.00, then went hawker centre to have lunch...came home rest then went hari raya visiting..tired are some photos.!

Alright...200 photos were taken..woohoo..haha..gonna slp soon..niteZ
i miss u two gals n love u gals alot.. so i still will tok to u n acknowledge u gals
(it makes me cry when i see this...coz she says we avoiding god!!no no i n my sis love her n her sis....!hope things get well soon)
Monday, September 21, 2009 10:15 AM
I'm backkk again went to cousins hse again for raya was fun n fun...though we didnt do anything much...
The most fun part was all of the cousins were sitting on the big bed, n when we were going to take photo, the bed BROKE into two!!!!!!!!HAHAHAH!wht a strong strong body we got..haha..then all of us ran out of the room n didnt dare to sit on the bed again..hahaa..well we took photos again...girls are well known to take photos ritEE!!esample is SITI LA!she will take photo though soooo many people arnd..haha!y did siti name appear suddenly???hahah!mayb i miss her toooo much.LOL...Starting work on wed..hiaz...nvmm get $$$...wld like to share some photos taken today...=)

I loVe the Photos!haha..Alright gtg..nitez readerS!
Sunday, September 20, 2009 9:38 AM
Juz lyk tt raya is over also!still got more visiting to be done..
Well, yest nite went to geyland and was back hm at 3.00am..Slept at abt 4 plus and woke up at 9am..tired tiredddd..
Too lazy to update on wht actually happened la the whole day..Visited grandparents and went cousins hse for dinner..tis yr i only ate 1 kuey leh, and a single sip of water..whts wrong??ahaha...but ate briyani at all 3 hses we went to la...
Took photos and enjoyed..but isnt getting better...ALLAH PLEASE BE WITH US!i do always pray n ask for this....doa doa!tmr gotta go cousins hse again yea...n i got a collection of 75$$ ah...hmm...and i'm gonna work, so more $$$$ to come on the wayyy....wwooo!!
Some photos taken:


Bro, Me, Mum, Sis

Bro & ashiq...doesnt he look lyk an elder bro??he looks more handsome too..hehe
Saturday, September 19, 2009 2:37 AM
Some photos to share taken in the last outing:

Sis and me

Sch has been stress the past few mths, thought the 1 mth break i would hav enough rest...but the naggings can realli kill me la....i hoped sch was 24 hrs la...seriously, cant take it...
Leaving tt aside, SELMAT HARI RAYA TO ALL MY MUSLIM FRENDS!to those non muslims enjoy ur holz..!=)
Well, i'm not excited abt this yr raya at allllll.....she's nt even in singapore...i'm boredddd, nt oni me, sis also...wonder hw this raya gonna be..and i gotta see unwanted people faces in the morning who i really really HATE to the core!
No choice tis one day...sadness ramadan is gonna over in juz 2 hrs...tmr's morning prayers also i cant make it!wth ah...such a bad bad year...
hmm, tts wht i got to say for nw...Alrightz..gtg guys...takkaire!
Thursday, September 17, 2009 5:53 AM
>Hiazz...feeling weak yar...too much is going from my body...twice again tis mth..damn..10 days of fasting oni i took, sad sad case...nvr lyk tt b4..
Finallyyyyy, blogger is back to normal..
Past few days:
1) Went geylang with mom to get another raya no size..
2) Got my hair cut..very short lo...wth man...i nt gonna go out till 7th OCT!
3) Dad bought a new car againnn....=)
Next week luck, no point regretting!?!
*Gotta control myself*
Monday, September 14, 2009 12:13 AM
Hello people...tooo bored at hm ready.Diff to find job also...sent my resume still havent get back yet..hiaz....cant stand the nagging at hm, juz wana go out n come back late no way ya...
Well, happy wit wht i got least toking as close frends ya..satisfied la!cant ask for more.haha..yest msg till2am..woohoo...=)
N u noe wht i got like 6 people commented on my msn display pic ah...they say:
1)the red t-shirt(which actually is me) is my sister..WTH
2)I look plump
3)is that my kid
4)I look gd in that photo..hahaha
5)I look cheerful..hahaha!
others cant rem la..
and my mom didnt woke me up in the mrning to eat ...i'm starving nw..gotta wait till 7..hmmm..okok done..bye!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 4:06 AM
I'M HAPPY FOR NOW!!!i think FB QUIZ quite true la.ahhaha
Fun timeS
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 12:32 AM
sumi ask to lappy spoilt...acer is such a stupid brand!
Anyways, sat n sun spent the whole day out...sis rented a car so after fasting went out to play bowling with cousins at wast coast...planned to watch movie after tt bt timing was out right went to eat ice cream at ben & jerry at dems hill near orchard...took many many this blog doesnt let me post it!!!irritating...aft eat fetched my cuz sis hm first den went to geyleng to fetch parents who went was arnd 1.30am..suprising eh my parents let us out alone n also my sis driving car for 1st time..wahh..parents improvedddd....=)Ate at geylang then headed was 4am ...woooo..
Next day, sun, left hse at 11.30am..went out with cuz again to animal farm at yio chu entry to e farm la tts y went..hehe..if zoo must pay $$$$$ rite...budget people we!!haha..the parrot was soooo damn was dancing to jai ho song when i played it...after tt it shouted like hell....we screamed n ran was 4 by then...went to selatar reservoir took some photos,chit chat then headed hm to breakfast...sis n bro went to return to car...
Day spent well....some more outing on the wayyyy...
Seeyou pp..enjoy ur holz...=)
Thursday, September 3, 2009 8:38 AM
Yeah, its over and i'm done with exams..but still results..n i noe wht kinda marks i gonna point thinking over yeah..
Well, after exams went to cineleisure to watch Dance flick...!and we people take such a long longgggggg time to decide on things..really reallyy....first bought tickets for the Proposal..while buying tickets, wc,siti,rf,jr all saw a preview of the dance flicks...they found it funnii...sooooo tis "typical" person(WC) who calls me typical also donno for wht! asked to change the movie ticket to dance flicks....and i tink no one has done this before!!LOLS...the guy was kind enough ah to get the tickets was not bad la..funiiii..n the part...HIYOO..the the movie n u will noe...
Again take abt 1/2 hr to decide whr to go n eat...haha..jessie n li ling went off..went lucky prata to eat...the guy who served us...tok like fasttt ah...and yeah we shld hav a improve english campaign lyk wht jr said...mutton spelled as muttom..LOL!!!funiiii...took photos..yeahhh we took neo print!nice nice..hehe..alrihgt..enjoy holz people..see u soon...chaletttttt..=)