Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:47 AM
how careless can i be sia???idiot me...whr was my mind at that point of time...everytime i wld frequently check whr is my wallet and my hp all..but today after printing things i didnt even check..i was checking if i got all the notes i printed...damn stupid...after like 4 hrs at the lib when i wanted to buy smth, i found my wallet was LOST!!sickening freak.donno wht to say..inside got 100$ fala, keep it up...but one 50$ is i donno if people wld take tt..but i hope everything will be inside ..most impt i need my wallet back at least..ALLAH!!!!thanks siti for following me up and dwn to find for it..and also lending me money to go home....hahaha...hope i'll get it back soon..the person who return me the wallet , will get $10 from me..if all the money is inside..LOL!
BYE..AND yeah, COMMON TEST RESULTS OUT!!!kinda like shit, but i pass all, thats wht i wanted, so i dont care...i'll work extra harder for the exams...
Friday, July 24, 2009 9:36 PM
Argh...i cant get my projects, works everything done...
Feeling very giddy....
how , how??
Fd chem still not done
Proj 2 report n presentation not done..
more and more...
going to slp again...and nw is onli 12.40pm
juz woke up 2 hrs before.......
Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:08 AM
a lil beta onli compared to first day.....thank u people for asking me how i' feeling nw and then, thanks nuraini,wc,thawit,js,sumi,siti and others....thanks alot for presenting my part for marketing...but i dont noe abt my marks , hw is it gonna be graded...lets wait n see...hope i'll be well soon, and can go and support for people playing dodgeball....see u guys...nitez!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:22 AM
wc and siti i noe i'm tooooo thick skin readi...hahahhaha....2 days MC.temp 39.3 degrees..and i vomitted..becuz????hahahhahah!!!siti noes...OMG!!!tmr is presentation, and i cant go sch!!!WTH..i'm sooo sorry girls....Dodgeball is coming up...i cant play???wth...some hw i will get well soon and will support u guys...hiaz....put injection some ask are u scared of injection??i said yeah i am...then my mom ask him to put..and i cried to my mom say no no please...she insisted i shld put...he said not pain, but pain like....siti ask cannot sit down ah..LOL!!!
Ok...see u guys on mon or sat...take care!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZIYING & JIE SEN
So near, yet so far
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:39 AM
i'm gonna cry anytime soon, this week, tmr, today night...anytimeeee....i laughed way way wayyyyy toooo much today...laughed like mad people...stayed back with siti,jr,and wc..accompanied siti while she was doing her work..and this wc was waiting for us, then jr joined us....while siti was doing work, we played true or dare AGAIN!...but this time the questions asked were disgusting, sensitive ,all kinds of questions la...and that made me and siti laugh like nobody's buisness.....had tears in our eyes...nwww my throat hurts alotttt...thanks to wc and jr la...the word pick and eat, or pick and shoot...OMG...disgusting...can u guess wht is it ??LOL!!!stayed back till 7.30 then headed home.....i'll neva laugh tooo much again anytime soon.....i think if we were playing and asking the qns in a grp some of them wldnt have answeres sia.....LOL!!!
OH man,i gotta do my report nw....gtg...see u...
Friday, July 17, 2009 7:03 AM
Past two days i was laughing tooo much ready..yest during marketing we were looking at the skies to find for was funnn...we soo stressed till do things like.......ahaha..and today we were playing truth or dare at the mac and also before fd chem started!haha...and thawit ask teacher wanna play???wth..and ask how many ex she had..funi sia..had a great time..relieve all stress....later went to fd lab to find jie sen all, and then sumi took video on the was damn funi..LOL!went to the stadium with wc,jr and jie sen and sumi..well thr was a concert or a competition going thr...and the music that they were playing was sooo nice..i missed it..u noe y?ahhaa...yeah i saw u 5 TIMES!my b'day least got say hi lah..enough! alright some pics taken the last two days

Sumi is bored!

Making HEARTS in class..haha
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:50 AM
Thursday, July 2, 2009 9:21 AM

See the baby ...CUTE RITE!!!juz born today, 2nd July...My close cousin gave birth to a girl baby...and nw she got a kid..hmm....cant enjoy like before..anyways congrats to her...Revision is like shit..3 weeks also not enough for studying...hiaz...
Ok gtg now do unit op..see ya Nitez