Monday, June 29, 2009 11:15 AM
hey hey haha....its 2.15am..i'm webcaming with the one and only weichiang...he's touring me around his house..hahaha
He took my picture and i took his...
Will upload
Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:07 AM

Oh yeah to noe having extended holidays...does that means we got extra time to study???i dont think so la...instead there is e-learning that we got to do..projects to complete..and study for 6 subs....i think four weeks is juz right to finish up everything...and at last i've finished one report and sent for submittion ready....only started studying 3 subs...went to sch today with ry to do projects..and we are about to complete marketing...HBI project is almost complete..only need to decorate...OH SHIT...fd ingredients report.....i still gonna do that thing....damn it..i hate it....alrightz...i think gonna wake up at 8am to study...hehe..lets see if i will wake up...thats all...
GD nitez...
People make use of the extra 1 week extended holz....=)
Go for iT
Friday, June 19, 2009 8:29 AM
Sorri ah cant put font bigger than that, blog got probz..
anyways the last few days were spent wisely,,i mean enjoying la..not studying..haha
Great time with cousins, went down under the blk , for so called night walk..haha
Tok tok, make noises, and came back home at 4am...surprise, that my parents did call us,coz they were sound asleep......hahhaha...
Went to sch to see mr AK for HBI...understood most the the things he taught.
Later met sumi, and went for lunch at kofu..and we walked alottttt today....went to the mac two times and walked out of mac...we were finding places...yyyy soooo many people go to sch sia..haha..
anyway, revision going going on and on...onli touched on two more week....
Alrightz..see ya soon..Study hard.
Drag Me To HELL
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:24 AM
Oh yeah i've watched the movie drag me to HELL..its NICE...u people should catch the movie!!!haha...its scary but exciting...hehe...went for a 7pm show and ended at 9pm.And we sneaked in with outside foods...HAHA!after movie went to BK to eat then eye-wash some people!haha...than we were taking photos inside the mall at tiong bahru..and the security said that we were not suppose to take photos..Y sia like tt?hmm...but anyway without the guard knowing we took photos again.TOO much photos taken...we even took photos middle of the wth..haha...nothing beta to do..than walked from TB to redhill.From redhill took MRT, coz tired la...Went under the blk to sit down and tok n tok until 1.30am..and my parents didnt call..haha...they gave up on us...NO LA...they were already asleep..had a great time....Today(tues) went sch to do proj...and the internet connection was super irritating..cldnt connect at all laR...hiaz.....left sch at 4..went to meet cousin at city hall then went bras basah complex to visit somepeople..left the place at 8.00pm.Sat under the blk till 10pm..and my father kept calling my HP coz he wanted the laptop...and i still didnt go home...and he scolded me some more la....whteva sia....cousins staying over again...AND STILL HAVE SOOOO MANY SUBS TO REVISE>>DEAD.

Friday, June 12, 2009 9:46 AM
Only U
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 8:32 AM

Went to Support sam, tiff they all for campus road run after sch...tired nw...tmr oni 1 lesson...hiaz...
Missing U
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 9:28 AM
TREAURED....after three years i'm touching this bear...hmm....u are remembered....i miss u.!that dream brought me back to the past...but i've no choice , but to forget u.....
oh yeah, i dont feel like going sch anymore.Coz its the last week, and 2 week is study least get to rest..Today i slept like for 3 hrs and my mom scolded me...she say i'm becoming LAZY and its not gd for me...but i noe how tired am i...Today slacked the wholeeeeeeeee day....juz watched some cats video,soooo cute and least nuraini laugh ah..haha...
Ok...nth much to blog...see ya....
I am alone,so very alone
I hurt,so very badly am ignored,
just thrown aside
I am security,for others to have
I am lonely,there is no one close,
no one sees the pain cry,hope is gone
I am alone,and no one knows
Saturday, June 6, 2009 10:45 AM
SUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII........hahaha...thanxs for editing the photo made me awake when i was still sleepy in the morning.hahaha..Moving on....I'm not sure if i'm become lazy or juz becoz sch is hectic.....i keep sleeeeepingggggggg.......very tiredddddd....and thr's sooo much work to complete...most of them is undone..especially PROJECTS! now common test is coming up!Did some research today but some still not done lah.Click on the link below..i came across this video when researching..its juz a small quiz abt micro-organisms..haha...
Friday, June 5, 2009 8:58 AM
It hurts.Today sch ended at 12pm..first time skipping my lect...i find the lect very very boring and also cldnt take to air-con.Also wanted to accompay nuraini..nuraini, dont be sad okay?its only 5 days...very fast want la.ok?we are here for u...haha...went lib to search for books.Went to met siti, thawit and jr at CSC room..Slacked for a while, then the 3 of them went jogging.I juz sat down watching them running..Siti was the only one completed 6 rounds..others didnt..ehehe...Went back, slacked at the make-up room and had some laughs.It was funni ah, the video..LOL!Anddddddd, siti make-up for pretty ah were taken, but i wont blog...alright..Left arnd 6.30 reached home at 7.30...i'm feeling really really tired..having headache...REPORTS, PROJECTS,REVISE FOR'm spending tooo much nowdays on clothes ad fooooood....i've to control myself.hiaz...the main reason is i wanna save $$$$$$...not becuz i will become faT!bought 2 t-shirts from the sale in sch...came up to 24.90..that day bought a t-shirt for 10$..hmm.......SAVE SAVE SAVE..Hope everything will be fine!
and it started again
Thursday, June 4, 2009 9:30 AM
what to say?i think i'll no more tears left by the end of donno when am i suppose to concentrate on my sch work sia? u expect people to wait for u till 3am than serve u.??hope u got some sense la..skipping my favourite shows from mon to fri..thats the oni tv show i watch...and here u come to make me stop watching?idiot...thats oni the way i can relax ok....ok whteva...leave that aside...I'm very very tired...doing week hand in four reports i guess?wth..and like got projects to do for all modules...and common test is juz around the cornerrrrrrrr...after CT hand in projects...thats super fast...i donno hw am i gonna complete it...stress.The best thing is 70 % i cant understand whts the lecturer teaching in class..except for human bio...screwed up man seriously.I'm not looking foward to sat n sun days now days....coz i noe everything will start again from morning to night...i cant see u being sad and hurts me too...:( i'll continue my prayers and hope it is being heard..nitez readers..
Past is Past
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:23 AM
Siti did that and placed on my chair few weeks agooo....hahhaPast is Past, no point turning back..:( I'm super super super tireddddddd....juz came back from sch at 9.30pm80% forgotten wht happen in sch today, only remember wht we did after schWell, me siti,ry,sumitha and wc stayed back after sch to do some work.BUT some people stay back in sch to do nothinggggg..LOL!i noe i ask u stay back lar..ahahaWent to mac, but thawit & wc wanted to sit somewhr under a fan...coz HOT!But, we thr was no plug, so moved to lib..lib cldnt go in as we need to take tempWaited outside the lib for nearly 10 mins doing nothinggg....thinking whr to goThan went to koufu, sat thr and wc started vandalising my pic in ry phone!idiot!Moved again to mac....we had funnnn thr la...i was sooo tired that i became awake..(thanks to wc)crack jokes and tok in his own!and we played truth or dareStupid game la...wc ask qns like.....hiyoooo...He says' i gonna ask u a qns which is very sensitive and u have to tell me the truth'I deny answering and didnt want to noe the qnS!At last i agreed, and he ask me' do u like fish curry or mutton curry'?LOL!!(laughs out)Webcam with sandra, than wc disturb people mei hui..hahaCheeky wc went to random blogs like damn funni..and the blog was also available..hehe....Toooo much of his name in my post ready.....and i treated him drink today!y?coz he carried my laptop until the mrt station(thanks wc ,sooo kind ah)Well, before sleeping, take a look at this preety girl,she's soooo pretty..i admire her.... .