Wednesday, April 29, 2009 6:42 AM
Seriously, i donno whts wrong with me today.My mind is not with me.And i've been doing things the wrong way today in school.Want to noe wht is it?Read below.
1)When i reached the control station, i wanted to tap my card.But i went to the area where the machine is in service.But i didnt go and tap lah..i juz went close to it because normally i do tap my card thr.LOL!
2)I've been seeing things wrongly during prac.Firstly, for number 3 i see it as number 1.Wats wrong with my eyes.But its not my the person who wrote it..
3)Secondly,we had a plastic cup with water to rinse our mouth.Siti wanted to refill the cup.I was suppose to take it from the jug that is filled with distilled water, instead i took the tap water.retarded me.
4)After prac, wanted to leave the room.Than u noe there is a button that we suppose to press in order to open the door rite.I nearly went to press the fire glass.Hm....wht am i suppose to say.?siti and ruiying laughed at me.hahaha.=)
5)Let me think wht was next?hmmmmm.....We went to mac to eat...saw some one lah..and said HI u noe..omg...but i didnt response properly coz i was in wonderland..=( but nvm at least something.
6)Went for lecture at 3pm.Lect hall also a small minor thing happen.But is nth big la.Juz that my table attached to the chair was broken and when i pulled it out thr was a loud sound.nvm..i dont care abt this.
7)Siti, ry, me wanted to go print food ingredients notes.Waited for the lift, and i PRESSED the button.But when the lift came to second floor the light went off i think..and i didnt realise..Than ruiying saw and ask me i didnt press the button ah?i told her i press leh..but she said if u press will have ma..than she ask me wait for 1 hr till the lift comes to 2nd storey...both of them laughed at me again..i was like ..oh shit man!
Ya so had enough laugh and also quite hmmm....donno lah...And yah thought prac was cancelled today but at last we steward was angry with us..but its not our fault..people do make mistakes..
Today two lectures also i didnt listen in class..i was doing my tut, drawing, writing abt love and during fd ingredients lect i was dreaming...abt wht u wanna noe?i wont
Here is wht i wrote in my book:
I love you!
I wanna be with you
I wanna share my happiness, sorrows, with u
I only know you
You are my one and only
Well, i donno who i'm i referring to..i was tooooo bored thats y..
Next, i used ruiying's iPhone to draw this house..hehe..
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:52 AM
hey yo people....monday the 2nd week of is ok but a little boring..we had human bio prac..prac was interesting, fun, exciting.haha..well we had to stab our partner's finger to take blood to do a blood smear test..and yeah i was stabbed coz siti was afraid and she's scared of blood.i was not only stab once ok?i was stabbed twice..omg...haha..the first stabbing, i was cool and calm.amanda stabbed me.but second i was a little scared coz siti was not confident of stabbing my finger.She didnt have the energy!hahaha.she was struggling..LOL!she clicked but i pulled away my finger..but luckily there was a hole la..and i squeezed my blood out!hehe..i realise i got alot of blood ah..and sooo red...i guess i can do a blood donation.haha..and the smearing on the glass slide was lyk..erm....had so many lines in btwn and they are not accepted..we nearly did about 6 slides i guess..
Here is the blood smear..
After prac, had lunch and discussed the singing for microbio and then had human bio surprising i listen to the lectures and had quite a number of notes taken down..continue that fala..haha..alright..see u guys
Foreva u!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:47 AM
Blogging about sch these days..coz its sch and nth else..Only went to school for 2hrs for food operations lect from 9-11.Sooooo boring the lect man!And i was soo tired..eyes were closing but controlling myself.Only paid attention to the first half of lecture.hahaAfter lect, went to eat at mac.u noe wht?me nuraini and ruiying wanted to buy the breakfast, so we didnt even put our bags at a place, but straight went to buy weird.hehe=)Go home also nth to do, so went to club crawl look at performances.YAY!and i saw u!haha...good enough.Some one say my happines is so different meh?mayb i dont realise
Hope everyday is like tt...heheThan wanted to go morgue with sandra but a class was having lect.Later, wanted to go out but too tired.HOME SWEET HOME!I don't expect too much from anyting..I'm happy with what i have and i've got!=)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:48 AM
School ended one hour earlier which was at 4pmCame home and had a good sleep.School was fine today but bored lah.Lesson we had were food microbio and microbio prac.For food microbio we are given an assignment to do a songBut not graded, thats good.Thinking of the prac test in week 4, i'm stressed + scared.Its 10% of the module, kinda a few marks is secured.Hope i do well.I'll do it!=)We had 2 hours break 2daeWent print things den go meet sandra for lunchLater,tried to sneak in to the nursing lect but couldnt,no space.I really wanted to listen to the lect..hahaI'm crazy, i dont wanna listen food sci lect instead want to listen to nursing lects..hahaProceed to the new cafe opened in NYPJuz sat there than started telling ghost storiesHaha..but didnt have any feeling ah coz its in the afternoon.But nick ghost story was like a joke.LOL!But ya how did the uniform went missing??hehe..whtevaThen, 3pm went for prac lesson.Ended SCHOOL
Look at the kids eating ice cream hahaha..And its free!
Since i woke up early today, went to my aunty hse to play with this little cute ah..and she's wearing my covered shoes..lazy to rotate the tilt ur heads readers! She's only 2 years old and she says falala...haha..cute ah...and her mom told me that she cried once i went home coz she miss me...hehehe
Lastly, i want to hit sandra and in convo with wc, siti, and sandra...trying to get words out of my mouth!hahahhaha And i'm sorri wc the way i hit u it hurts..hahahha
Monday, April 20, 2009 7:45 AM
HAHHAH!! least i'm cooled down now!i'm happy enough..this is enough for me!
okok byebye!
Don't walk in front of me,I may not follow;Don't walk behind me,I may not lead;Walk beside me,and just be my friend. =)
7:21 AM
1) y soo many people are pissed off today.I'm one of them lar2)I'm getting toooo jealous this days...i hate should go off from me as soon as possible..I hope that person responses la..if not kick the ass.!hahaFirst day of sch, started at 9am ..met nuraini and ruiying than went for lect..omg, so fast year 2 sia..i miss year 1...i juz miss yr 1..omg!first lect was food chemistry.Tell u wat.It was super boring but i was forcing myself to pay attention.coz its CHEMISTRY.i suck at it! Lect only started at about 9.10am lah...and meantime what we were doing??Guess?hahha...nothing much..but quite interesting la...haha.we were looking out for people who carry new bag, wore new t-shirts & jeans and shoes..LOL!most people had new bags, hairstyle and t-shirts all la..haha...example:me, nuraini, siti,sumitha..haha..Chemistry lesson ended around 11.00Went to meet ms gan at the food lab.There was a breifing for project 2 lah...the project is kinda difficult sia..donno wht do asian drink and validate donno wht...i donno lah...from next week its gonna be stress plus having prac test next week.damn fast leh..oh no!And we had break for about 4 hrs after that...we were slacking but at the same time bored to the core!haha..went to mac to eat...go thr started eating after 1 hr i guess..coz we were too lazy and tired to eat...and didnt have the mood to eat lar.And before that we were looking at the new yr 1 babies...some were sooo good looking , some were ok la, some were guy was like gay!gay?yah gay...ah nvm..i dont care=)After eat went lib, sit down chat and than went back to class for human biology lect..Before that we were sitting outside the lect theatre for 1 hr plus...retarded was a little sunny la...than before lect starts i SAW some one!hiyoo..missed la...only siti got the chance to see properly..hahahaha!Well, human bio lesson was interesting la..about the threat and the micro-organims.Also we have to do a brochure on food allergy....hiyaz..but luckily no need to do report for prac.BUT, next week there's prac and we are gonna take our own blood ...OMG !i'm not afraid of blood or pin or wht la...but thr is fear ..the pain !!but it wont be pain i noe..haha...Ended as early as 5pm human bio..went home...nw damn tired...eyes are half closed lah...but i dont wanna slp early...tmr lesson onli starts at 11.10am..praC!=covered shoes.hmm....This whole week can go back early.!YAY!but not from next week...OK done lar..bye..nitez...
Getting Back..
Sunday, April 19, 2009 7:53 AM
Posting here something..its embrassing and funni lah... but beta not laugh okie??haha...i baked a butter cake today, and only the sides of the tray is cake..the centre is hollow..there's no cake..stupid la...donno y it turned out like mom asked me what did i do to it sia?LOL! hey ! but dont underestimate me...i baked cake before and it turned out well..but this time round is like SH!t la..heheGetting back to school tmr..i was excited before..but now not at all lar.i got practicals everyday....i dont mind bringing lab coats..but i hate wearing covered shoes, thats the prob.And now i realise that there is a subject called food marketing & innovation...i juz dont like dealing with machines and marketing...its like economics..i still remember in sem 1 during economics lessons we eat wages in class..hahaha..neva listened to the teacher..BUT, its not gonna happen this time i guess...i wanna study more FOOLING around..hehe..First lesson tmr is food really sux..i hate it can?good luck to me!!=(I do not know you well, but what I know Enchants me, like a song sung far away.I cannot hear the words, but what they sayHangs softly on the hills where I must go.
Saturday, April 18, 2009 8:28 AM
She's my Darling!=)
This one week is going well, spending time fully.But i'm stupid..had nearly 1 1/2 months holz didnt spend properly.Only the last week of holz i'm using the time well...but not bad least smth.=)
Guess wht???i danced today 2gether with my cousins and juz happened like tt..haha
Cousins came over to my house after a long time even if they were juz staying one blk away from me! My parents went out for shopping , so only we were at home.My little cousin( 2years old) wants to dance for her fav we played the song and my sis and cousin danced 2gether with her..i didnt dance at first coz i was toooo shy..hahax...later,my cousins and sis forced me to i juz joined them in.its was FUN!..hehe..i juz wanted to enjoy my last bit of n dance till so drunkered!
Then, cousins went home. I went along with them downstairs coz i was sending them the videos taken.But i went till their house.Well, at the same time got to see my grandfather.And he asked me am i still living in this area??Coz sooo long i didnt visit him..i feel soo bad..and he told me i became thinner!..LOL!argh...i dont wanna be sooo also neva put on weight sia...
What i did in the morning and afternoon??
Well, morning as usual did the household chores.Afternoon planned to go clemanti but it was cancelled.Than, frend came to my hse to use the comp...We chatted and looked through people's profile in facebook and commented on it! bad arh...
One more day and sch reopens..hiaz...2nd week already got practical test u noe...thats realllllyyyyy........hmmmm...
Guys ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY ur weekend..and come back to sch with a BANG! hope yr 2 goes well....
"Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met."
Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:26 AM
Mixed Feelings: Happy, Sad, Jealous, Irritated...etc.Happy: Sch gonna reopenSpending the whole week wisely b4 sch reopensSad: Dream NEVER comes trueSch gonna reopen..STRESS..especially godJealous:Becuz of some one and somethingIrritated:Juz feel like thatHey hey hey,I'm happy the way i'm spending my last week of my holz.Go shopping again..hehe....done so much shopping these days, money is juz flying off juz like tt.I've spent soo much this holz juz for sch buying t-shirts,shoes, bag(REGRET BUYING THE BAG), eating out..hiaz.I am not working also...all i use is my savings lar...('cries') .Parents got give money la..but still i wanna use my money coz i dont wanna put soo much pressure on them...Economy is down..LOL! i'm soo CARING rite??ahahha. jkjkGo bugis with cousin, bought covered shoes and a t-shirt..t-shirt only costs $8 but it is nice ok? cost me around $21.The sales person said there is a discount la..but after i bought the shoes i paid $ that called discount??when i ask the person she said she told me wrongly.. like wth...???but whteva it is NEED SHOES....=) so no complains fala.
Later, went to eat at long john's again..yest also eat long john..hiaz...i'm not gonna fat but too much cholesterol and fats in my body accumulating..tat's bad!Home Sweet Home.Go meet my childhood frend.After one yr i'm seeing her again and toking to her even she stays juz a few blks away...I'm sooooo busy yar tt i dont have time to meet up with people!hahha..okok i shld shut up!Thats all for today..!!3 more days sch reopens! first lesson chemistry..i hate it...the lecturer's accent is soo thick i cant understand her...I"M DEAD LAR............................OK BYE!
Day Went Well
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:09 AM
Today was pretty okie lah..arnd 12.45 in the noon while i was slping, thaslim,my sec sch frend called me up and ask whether if i wanna go watch movie.And that's my fav actor acting..of course i said YES! got ready, checked the timing of the movie, left my hse arnd 3.30 lah..suppose to meet her at 3.30 at qnstwn control station...but that girl called me at 3.30 and said she's juz leaving her hse.....i was like???wth...but it took her arnd 15 i dont mind waiting..haha...on the way as usual tok about the old stories,abt sch,frends and all..
Reached thr super early at 4.30, movie only starts at 5.45.Meanwhile, we went for shopping looking for a bag for my sch...I saw a bag but i couldnt make a's soo diff for me to make a decision future how like that???arh nvm dont tok abt that....5.30 went into the theatre...5.45 movie starts
About the movie...very funi lah...the actor and actress soo cute..the love between them...Its a action pack movie + love +romantic..Mostly fights but than the fights were soo interesting...its like,u wanna noe what's going to happen next....people say its not worth watching the movie...but for me its worth...the songs scenes were juz toooo good,beautiful places they went to....And during the interval i saw my cousin in the same theatre..What a coincidence???ahha....she's a huge fan of the surya!lol....
Movie ended....than went to look for the bag again..couldnt make a looked small but inside was big...but dont noe if it's suitable for i left the place...went till the mrt station and told my frend i wanna buy the bag..hahahha...we went to the shop more than 7 times lah becuz of me..ahhaha...Finally bought it ..$25.00 leh..hahaha..
Than, went to tiong, frend wanted to buy nail polish..than went to long john's silver to eat...guess wht?i saw a girl who i hate to the core lah!she saw me, she didnt smile...i dont give a damn also my prob!and i didnt want to see her face so i asked my frend go buy food for me...I had to wait for my food..than a girl came to serve me..i thought it was the girl who i hate!i didnt want to see her face also i turned away..but it was not her..hahahha....
Total came up to about 9.00 lah..i treat my frend today..i think it came up to abt $17.00 plus...hiyo...coz her b'day lah...she keep asking me for her present...thick skin!
After eat went home ..i took the train and she took the bus..reached home at 10.30pm.
Wait wait!!...i saw my sec sch teacher...haha..he is like bamboo stick la...super thin sia...but a maths genius..i was in band 1 for maths and he took me..he alwys says no need to retake mother tongue for o levels, its a waste of time!!lucky neva listen to him sia....and soo surprising he can recongize me ...!!hhaha....ookok i'll continue with the last bit.....
As usual come home beta with nuraini, sandra and wc.i told nuraini some bedtime stories and she told's not exactly bedtime stories lah..nuraini wil understand wht is it.....nw my secrets are revealed....hahhaa...toking to sandra and wc was juz sooo like...can say blur lah...even me...sandra ask to ask him wht he mean by late father??well....and she call him a hot dude??wth.....sandra u dont have taste lah..seriously...ahhahahha"sandra gonna kick me!!!!'' i dont care ...hahahha...alright enough of blogging ..
see u guys....enjoy ur last few days of holidays..and than monday u will be back to studying.STRESS starts...i dont wanna think of it...i juz wanna clear all my movie list..wanna watch some movies before monday.....OKOK....see u people...nitez!!!:-)
Monday, April 13, 2009 10:09 AM
FINALLY, the time table is OUT! timetable kinda sux lah.I juz hate mondays,end at 6pm...hmmm...whateva it is, my only aim is to get at least 3.2 +++ gpa for first sem...i'll definately work for it!!yeah!And today i went out to bugis to buy bag for sch..but couldnt get one .Either it is too big or too small the bag..only bought one t-shirt....went at 5.00 came back at arnd 8.30Came home watch,facebook,hear music..I juz pity i ling ah...i chatted with her and asked how she is ..she said she didnt go for her transplant...and she has to wait long long again for her surgery...hope she gets well soon...
One more week and sch reopens..happy at least i'm occupied with sch stuff..but......................definately tiring want....will enjoy this whole one week.......
Saturday, April 11, 2009 8:24 AM
Having flu, this is soo irritating..keep sneezing...~~~~~~Here are the details about chalet~~~~~~Went for chalet at Pasir ris.First day,we reached thr arnd at 10pm..yeah i noe its too late=) ..once reached took our dinner, sit down and chit chat with cousins.Arnd 12pm we had a serious tok..wondering wht is it??well, we toked abt the future.The questions being asked to each other we soo random.Basically is how u wanna ur future husband to be?..yeah it was a exciting topic to tok abt and got many different views.This discussion went on till abt 3.15am.Than went out of chalet to play charades den ate supper.hmm..later arnd 4.00 we started on questions abt future again....5.30am went to slp..soo tiring.Woke up at abt 9.30am in the morning.Second day,we went to the beach to play captains ball,den went to a room whr small children play with slides and childish ah..kept throwing balls at each other..I miss childhood!Later arnd 12 pm my cousins went for swim..I felt like swimming but i couldnt swim...dont ask y...personal ya=)haha..wht i was doing while rest of them swimming?Most girls crazy of taking photos right??so yah i was the camera women taking photos while they were playing in the cooooool man....HIAZ.... didnt SWIM!!it was sooo fun lah they were enjoying themselves..Arnd 2pm went back to chalet and watch movie and slept ..haha...i was too tired ok?but slpet oni for 45 mins still!Than ate lunch..than played game..Arnd 5pm started BBQ..luckily the rain stopped ..if not NO dinner for us! i didnt help out in bbq lar..coz i donno how to do the bbq..ahahah..i've to learn n help out one day...Everyone was tooo tired and so slpet arnd 12am ..Woke up the next morning at 9.00am and than book out at 10amReached home use the lappy( i miss my lappy!!!!) den went to slp for a whileI'm done=) and ya have been waiting for the timetable and its still not out yet lar...SCL is super duper slowwwww can?
Looking foward to sch...but when sch starts ???sianz..okok we'll cut it short ..byebyebeybyee
Thursday, April 9, 2009 12:52 AM
Back to update on FO. Will juz say briefly abt wht i did during FO.Day 1:(MON)GAME MASTERS:
Met up with nuraini,sumi,jessie,ry at arnd 9.30
Excos told us what to do
Went to sports hall to set up games for telematch
Sitting down chatting and laughing with sandra,ry,nuraini(ALL FALLING IN LOVE)haha
Went for lunch at abt 12.00pm at south canteen
(suppose to be mac!but changed juz for sandra!!)=)
Go south canteen eat & hunt for people.........................but cant find!=(
Went back to club room at 1pm
Set up for Da vinci code with wan wen
Started around 2.15
Everything went on smoothly lah...
But i enjoyed the last class which was MB,It was sarah's class..
Sarah was soo mean to them by throwing water and pushing the freshies head inside the water.
The pail is full of silver + water sia...One guy from her class drank the water accidentely and spit it inside the pail..And the others had to use their mouth to pick up the letters..too bad...GROSS
Da vinci code ended ,went to sports hall for Telematch
I and jessie took the class CPT 0902
Had fun,the freshies were soo sporting
Total were 10 stations
Guided them all the way through
I guess they came second place for for finishing the water in the bottles
Ended around 5pm
While walking home,nuraini & sandra kept shouting THAT name!!!I want to smack their assesssssssssss(what if someone heard it????)lol
Sat down with frends to watch the class cheers
Damn tiring...came home slept around 4am
Day 2:(TUES)
Next day, came back for registration arnd 1pm
Helped out in carrying the goody bags outside the audi
Me and nuraini only went up and down once=)lol
Sat at the audi toking to each other and lying down..coool.haha
Than guided the freshies to the audi for performance
Came outside audi again to prepare for the DIGUSTING drink
As usual me & nuraini went M.I.A to watch the OGL perform
Very cute they performed for different songs
Enjoyed the special performance by 4 people .the guitar and the drums la
Arnd 4.45 the classes came out for the surprise
I was in charge of giving the goody bags together with Nuraini
Almost ended...The ogl guys came and jumped onto the bags with their sweats and all..
ANd than asked the freshies to take the bags...hahahaha
I didnt drink the disgusting horrible drink last yr..i thought i cld escape
But all the registration people had to drink in the end!!!!
Wanted to VOMIT out nearly but juz drank it
Helped to pack everything had briefing went home arnd 6.30pm
TIRING day and i was soooooo pissed off on the sec day!!!
THANKS TO U!!!!and ya its U!!!=(
I want to let go...
I want to say goodbye..
But everytime I try...
I can't...
8th Apr 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 11:19 PM
HELLO............Will update on FO soon.....Not in a good mood nw .....tired tooo....See ya....
5th Apr 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009 10:01 AM
hellooooooo.....On Sat went to queensway for shopping and bought accessories..Went to makan after that came home.On sun,whole day spending time at home.In the evening slept for 2 hours..wooo..haha...Wake up use the lappy..Well..tmr is FO..hopes everything goes on well...I'm not excited but scared...I DONT NOE Y!!haha..Alrights will be back with updates tmr on FO...nitez...
2nd April 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009 9:42 AM
-Went to clemanti & Jurong Point-Bought T-shirts from OP-Go shop shop arnd-Went to pizza hut-Talk stories while eating-Went home at arnd 7pm-Came home pray and than watched variety show-Do housework(Always i got to do that,i feel i'm a maid)-Chat,Play word challenge in facebook-Listen musicThats wht i did today...i'm sooo tired...good nitez.