See What Ur Stars Say...Jessie sent me this since i was sooo bored n yea she too.!
Most of it is true la, some unsure..Like good kisseR??i dont noeee.hehe
As usual ah, today ended at 12 plus.
Slacked at sch, had lunch and learnt CHI & thought some people TAMIL!
Arnd 2pm wanted to leave sch.
Me & jessie wanted to go some whr.......
Initially was bowling, but cldnt make it.
Then novena n toa payoh.
Wc & Rf suppose to go watch movie.but didnt go.haha.instead followed us.
So, me, kavi,jpsz,sumi,wc,rf,hh went to toa payoh.
& yeah as usual we had hard time making the plan la..after toa payoh station came donno if wan to alight a not..Finally, alighted b4 door closed!
Went shopping round n round,walk n walk..my leg is sooooo pain nwww..
left with me kavi jpsz&sumi
Bought belt oni..shopped till abt 7.00.
Wanted to have dinner at fork & spoon..
Later changed plan..SOOO walk again to KFC!
Tiring u noee.......walk too much..
Tiring u noee.......walk too much..
Kfc of course we were the noisest i think....
tok n tok, laugh n laugh ,eat n eat till abt 845pm
Left hm n reached hm arnd 9.30..TIRED!
well, thr's plans on fri..but not sure yet..we'll see hw!
And yeah forgotten to mention we went to TPY for like volunteer service.
1st:the aunty who cut jessie hair, end up toking abt poly n jc to us..Asking us suggestions.Nearly abt 20 mins toking to her..and she say we are like IT students...LOSE FACE!haha
2nd: saw a old lady n we bought 4 tissue packed from her..we know her coz she appeared in TV telling all abt her problems..I realli pity tis people n i hope i can help in future if only i have $$$$$$$$ tis much!
3rd:smoke was coming out from the bin.
So the caring girls(ahmmm) went to pour water into the bin.
4th:Old lady came to ask us $$.but we refused to give her coz dont noe if she's telling the truth..
OKK i'm done..might not be blogging till the weekend..SO seeya people arnd...Nitez.....