After CT's we celebrated the Dec babies b'day.Sam, Jessie, and Roufang.HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEC BABIES once again! It was a very short celebration as some people got to leave as soon.Some photos were taken.And i like some of the photos coz it makes me happy becoz of smth.haha..hope everything will end soon!After that me siti went koufu to eat.Sumi and kavi joined us..Siti left, me, sumi and kavi had such a fun time toking about all sorts of things..hehe..slacking and rotting with nothing in mind is the best thing ever !=)

Things juz happen=))
Alrightz, going shopping with jessie, Rf and siti tmr..!hope i'll find my new bag asap..need a bag!
okie, will be back to blog on sun!S'pore idol=)