HIIIII PEOPLE!!!blog is dead, dead, dead...i noe...didnt have the time to update!well i'm back for an update..on sat went with my chidlhood frend whom i noe for 16 yearS??haha...to my frends ROM cum MARRIAGE...had fun and was a relieve of stressss...function was done in a different way...went to the place at 7.30 and left at 10.30.by the tyme i reached home was 12am..its the latest time i'm coming back!!food was good, place of beautiful, nice place to have a wedding!romanticcc..There was this guy who was the host la..n he's realli funi n disgusting alsoo..when the couples wanted to have the champange opening, the host was saying shake shak shake harder it would be better...!wah lao!seriously, if u understand wht i'm trying to say its good, if not you no need to crack ur head to understand..hahahah!!dance floor, and also games played by the groom and bridegroom..took photos and went homeee.sorri dont have time to elaborate further...
On fri after lesson went to mac with mr tay and sumi,rf, jessie, wc ,jr kavi, nuraini and mr tay to eat lunch..wccc u better be careful for this module yea...u treat mr tay like ur frend u noe for 19 years yahhh..ahahahha...actualli it was fun ah...such a big transformation from mr tay..hahaa!then some of us left of to do our proj and stuff at lib..and the others continued to have their funnnn..i missed it!nvm..there is more fridays to come!...after proj left hm arnd 9 with jessie n hh.went to mac to eat first then headed home...=)tiring tiring..proj 3 presntation on tues..hiaz...so fastt....alright wanna get back to my work nww...will post another update asap..hehe..byeee...
Some photos taken in lib: