Well, yest nite went to geyland and was back hm at 3.00am..Slept at abt 4 plus and woke up at 9am..tired tiredddd..
Too lazy to update on wht actually happened la the whole day..Visited grandparents and went cousins hse for dinner..tis yr i only ate 1 kuey leh, and a single sip of water..whts wrong??ahaha...but ate briyani at all 3 hses we went to la...
Took photos and enjoyed..but still..life isnt getting better...ALLAH PLEASE BE WITH US!i do always pray n ask for this....doa doa!tmr gotta go cousins hse again yea...n i got a collection of 75$$ ah...hmm...and i'm gonna work, so more $$$$ to come on the wayyy....wwooo!!
Some photos taken:
Bro, Me, Mum, Sis
Bro & ashiq...doesnt he look lyk an elder bro??he looks more handsome too..hehe