Have been out for the WHOLE 2 days man.....soo tiring.Friday went out to help out at the door gifts as they needed help in the last minute.hope i get CCA points..& thanks sumi for calling me!haha..stayed in school till abt 10.30, reached home at 11.30..awesome!hahaha.
Next day, SATURDAY, went back to school for my duty at the atrium.2 hrs duty, 1 hr plus do nothing..BORED!finally people came to our booths and me and ry explained abt our course..some qns i didnt noe hw to answer.............Y do we have to learn biostats if we are in FS?I said, i'll bring u to my lecturer & u can find out more..haha...& thank you RY for helping me.
Went to N6 to replace thawit duty...DAMN BORING again...seriously.Sumi came n accompanied me..THANKS2 sumi.!=))late aftn more & more people started coming..though 3 people were in the sensory room couldnt cope...after the students left, me thawit n jie sen took photo...Heard a voice''hello hello..''We 3 said okok wait wait coming...It was mr thomas Teh...'ur potatoes are burning n thr u are taking photo!damn...OMG!i donno hw come it turned to 11 minss..hehehe..got free lunch n dinner for 2 days...overall OH was not bad with my frend..but the SCHOOL is DEAD..a failure tis year...
After tt went to bugis, eat and went arnd...n do i look like a mother who gave birth to one kid??yea 1 girl said that..oh no...and one man said i'm not matured at all!wht he means yea?haha! am i looking young or OLD!??!
Some photos taken the last 2 days...JS thanks 4 the photos!=))

ry n js were bullying me lor..=(
When happy=Crazy
ACT cute girl & me!
me & sumi are soo bored tt we're transferring each other songssss....
MONDAY back to daily routinee....projs,reports,tuts,lectures...hiazzz....