Past two days i was laughing tooo much ready..yest during marketing we were looking at the skies to find for was funnn...we soo stressed till do things like.......ahaha..and today we were playing truth or dare at the mac and also before fd chem started!haha...and thawit ask teacher wanna play???wth..and ask how many ex she had..funi sia..had a great time..relieve all stress....later went to fd lab to find jie sen all, and then sumi took video on the was damn funi..LOL!went to the stadium with wc,jr and jie sen and sumi..well thr was a concert or a competition going thr...and the music that they were playing was sooo nice..i missed it..u noe y?ahhaa...yeah i saw u 5 TIMES!my b'day least got say hi lah..enough! alright some pics taken the last two days

Sumi is bored!

Making HEARTS in class..haha