Sorri ah cant put font bigger than that, blog got probz..
anyways the last few days were spent wisely,,i mean enjoying la..not studying..haha
Great time with cousins, went down under the blk , for so called night walk..haha
Tok tok, make noises, and came back home at 4am...surprise, that my parents did call us,coz they were sound asleep......hahhaha...
Went to sch to see mr AK for HBI...understood most the the things he taught.
Later met sumi, and went for lunch at kofu..and we walked alottttt today....went to the mac two times and walked out of mac...we were finding places...yyyy soooo many people go to sch sia..haha..
anyway, revision going going on and on...onli touched on two subs...one more week....
Alrightz..see ya soon..Study hard.