1)When i reached the control station, i wanted to tap my card.But i went to the area where the machine is in service.But i didnt go and tap lah..i juz went close to it because normally i do tap my card thr.LOL!
2)I've been seeing things wrongly during prac.Firstly, for number 3 i see it as number 1.Wats wrong with my eyes.But its not my fault...is the person who wrote it..
3)Secondly,we had a plastic cup with water to rinse our mouth.Siti wanted to refill the cup.I was suppose to take it from the jug that is filled with distilled water, instead i took the tap water.retarded me.
4)After prac, wanted to leave the room.Than u noe there is a button that we suppose to press in order to open the door rite.I nearly went to press the fire glass.Hm....wht am i suppose to say.?siti and ruiying laughed at me.hahaha.=)
5)Let me think wht was next?hmmmmm.....We went to mac to eat...saw some one lah..and said HI u noe..omg...but i didnt response properly coz i was in wonderland..=( but nvm at least something.
6)Went for lecture at 3pm.Lect hall also a small minor thing happen.But is nth big la.Juz that my table attached to the chair was broken and when i pulled it out thr was a loud sound.nvm..i dont care abt this.
7)Siti, ry, me wanted to go print food ingredients notes.Waited for the lift, and i PRESSED the button.But when the lift came to second floor the light went off i think..and i didnt realise..Than ruiying saw and ask me i didnt press the button ah?i told her i press leh..but she said if u press will have ma..than she ask me wait for 1 hr till the lift comes to 2nd storey...both of them laughed at me again..i was like ..oh shit man!
Ya so had enough laugh and also quite hmmm....donno lah...And yah thought prac was cancelled today but at last we had..mr steward was angry with us..but its not our fault..people do make mistakes..
Today two lectures also i didnt listen in class..i was doing my tut, drawing, writing abt love and during fd ingredients lect i was dreaming...abt wht u wanna noe?i wont say..lol...
Here is wht i wrote in my book:
I love you!
I wanna be with you
I wanna share my happiness, sorrows, with u
I only know you
You are my one and only
Well, i donno who i'm i referring to..i was tooooo bored thats y..
Next, i used ruiying's iPhone to draw this house..hehe..