Came home and had a good sleep.
School was fine today but bored lah.
Lesson we had were food microbio and microbio prac.
For food microbio we are given an assignment to do a song
But not graded, thats good.
Thinking of the prac test in week 4, i'm stressed + scared.
Its 10% of the module, kinda a few marks is secured.
Hope i do well.I'll do it!=)
We had 2 hours break 2dae
Went print things den go meet sandra for lunch
Later,tried to sneak in to the nursing lect but couldnt,no space.
I really wanted to listen to the lect..haha
I'm crazy, i dont wanna listen food sci lect instead want to listen to nursing lects..haha
Proceed to the new cafe opened in NYP
Juz sat there than started telling ghost stories
Haha..but didnt have any feeling ah coz its in the afternoon.
But nick ghost story was like a joke.LOL!
But ya how did the uniform went missing??hehe..whteva
Then, 3pm went for prac lesson.
Look at the kids eating ice cream hahaha..And its free!

Since i woke up early today, went to my aunty hse to play with this little cute ah..and she's wearing my covered shoes..lazy to rotate the tilt ur heads readers! She's only 2 years old and she says falala...haha..cute ah...and her mom told me that she cried once i went home coz she miss me...hehehe
Lastly, i want to hit sandra and in convo with wc, siti, and sandra...trying to get words out of my mouth!hahahhaha

Since i woke up early today, went to my aunty hse to play with this little cute ah..and she's wearing my covered shoes..lazy to rotate the tilt ur heads readers! She's only 2 years old and she says falala...haha..cute ah...and her mom told me that she cried once i went home coz she miss me...hehehe
Lastly, i want to hit sandra and in convo with wc, siti, and sandra...trying to get words out of my mouth!hahahhaha
And i'm sorri wc the way i hit u it hurts..hahahha