hello readers.we met up at about 5.30 and waited for our classmates at the yew control station.it was nearly 6pm ready.Then we walked to the condo..Sam was our tourist guide!hahha...Went thr and ruiying & jessie the hardworking ones were setting up the fire.Well,i didnt do the bbq coz i donno!I've neva done it before..I soon have to learn.hehe..Arnd 6.45 started to eat than took a number of photos.
Later,slowly the later comers came.Siti,roufang,hui hua,nick and sandra.Than they ate also and thawitt,tiff and sam all were doing BBQ.Meanwhile,juz hanging around,toking to each other and having fun.Arnd 8pm we cut cake for the Jan & Mar babies.Nick,siti,Tiff & thawit.Took photos and sang b'day song.Not forgetting,yeah the scrapbook that we made for sandra was given to her!she was so touched arh..yesh..OKOk coming back...den we had a four feet for the four b'day people.They were suppose to put the biscuit in their mouth( Partner 2gther) and walk a dist..it was damn funi lah!especially thawit and nick(X-rated)..i kept laughing.not only me but oothers oso.!tiff and siti were normal..=)
Later,sandra was reading the scrapbook that was given to her.!she nearly cried .ahahha..will miss u sandla.LOL
Than we took a class photo.But sadly 4 people couldnt make it!nuraini,jie sen,ms gan and wc.hmm..anyways thanx to the security guard for helping to take photo..so patient.Uh huh than we went back to eating.Eat the cake and other bbq stuff lah..And yah thawit was playing with his guitar.not bad arh..good good..nice to hear.
Later,some of them left.The only people left behind were sumi,jessie,sandra,nick,juin rong,me,thawit.We left the place arnd 10.10.Well,hmm...tell someone a secret go reveal it!hiyo...u ah....whose that person ah?????Finally reached home around 10.45..
Came home went online,facebooking and recieved some msg...asking some questions..hahahha...i'll stop here rite nw...its too long readi...see u readers..lights off..
Some photos taken:
Unwrapping to see whts inside!